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FollowMe Printing

Did you know that you can “print” to the Xerox copiers without actually printing anything until you walk up to the machine? This incredibly useful feature is great in situations where you are printing confidential documents or are in an office where many people are printing to the same copier regularly and there is a risk that your document might get lost in a pile of someone else’s.

This feature is called FollowMe printing and it works on all copiers on campus.

IMPORTANT: ITS recommends to always print using the FollowMe option to ensure all printing done on campus is secure and confidential.

There are some key points to keep in mind when using the FollowMe option:

  • Once you release the printouts sent to a FollowMe photocopier, you cannot release them again. You would need to print them from your workstation again, and then go to any copier and release them.
  • The FollowMe print queues will only hold documents for 5 days. Any document left in the queue longer than that will simply be deleted.
  • Once you print a document to a FollowMe printer, it doesn’t matter which Xerox copier you go to on campus to release it, they will all work. This is especially useful for faculty who might print from their office and release the documents from a copier that is on their way to a classroom.

Get started:

All our BU computers should already have the FollowMe printers installed. If you cannot find them when printing your document, please, contact the ITS Helpdesk.

If you are using a personal device to print, refer to our BYOD Printing tutorial page to learn how to use FollowMe printing on a non-BU device.

Printing using FollowMe:

When printing a document, you should select one of our 4 available FollowMe printing options.

NOTE: Each FollowMe photocopier allows for one specific printing format, you must select the one that suits your needs best:

  1. To print Single-Sided, in Black & White: select “Follow Me Printing”
  2. To print Double-Sided, in Black & White: select “Follow Me Printing Duplex”
  3. To print Single-Sided, in Color: select “Follow Me Printing Color”
  4. To print Double-Sided, in Color: select “Follow Me Printing Color+Duplex”


You may see “error” listed next to the FollowMe printer but it will not prevent you from using that printer. Simply process as usual to send the print job to the print server.

How to release your print job from any Xerox photocopier:

Step 1:

Swipe your BU ID card into any Xerox photocopier to get started.

If you forgot your BU ID card, refer to our Alternate Login to Xerox Copiers tutorial to login manually.

Step 2:

Press on “Access Device.”

Step 3:

Select “Print Release.”

Step 4:

Your document(s) sent to FollowMe will appear in a list. You can select one or more documents to print by checking the square box to the left of the desired document. You can also check “Select all jpbs” at the top of the list to print every document.

Step 5:

Press “Print” at the bottom right of the screen.

Step 6:

Congratulations! You have successfully printed from using the FollowMe service.

Please do not forget to logout of your session!

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