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EDUROAM – Connecting on Android

Eduroam provides researchers, teachers, and students easy and secure network access when visiting an institution other than their own. By connecting with Eduroam, you will be able to access the internet on campus by login in with your University’s credentials.

Step 1:

Download “geteduroam” app from the Play store.

Step 2:

Connect to eduroam-help.

Step 3:

While eduroam-help is connecting, you will be redirected to their website. If it doesn’t load, use this link Click here or go to this address in your cellphone’s web browser:

Step 4:

Click blue button to download eduroam installer. Then type in “Bishop’s University” and click the button labeled “Bishop’s University”.

Step 5:

Choose the user profile “EDUROAM and WIZABU on personal device” and click the download button after.

Step 6:

If prompted to select a specific folder, download the certificate into the Downloads folder.

Step 7:

Once your certificate is downloaded, open your geteduroam app, search for “Bishop’s” in the “Institute” field and choose the “EDUROAM and WIZABU for personal device” in the “Profile” field.

Step 8:

Log in with your email credentials.

Step 9:

Once logged in, you should be connected to the school WIFI.

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