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Finding Your Student ID Number

Your student ID number is used to verify your identity on campus. It is necessary for much of the paperwork you may fill out during your studies, such as the Withdrawal w/ Permission and Key Request forms. It is also used by Library Circulation desk and the Sport Center when working with a student.

There are two methods to find your ID number, the physical way and the digital way. Most likely, you will be able to find your ID number the physical way, as it is on your Student ID Card, which you should have on you at all times.

Method One: Your Student ID Card

Locate your student ID. If you do not have an ID, go to the Paterson Front Desk and they will take your picture and print you a card. On the front of your card, to the right of your name and to the left of your date of birth is your 9-digit student ID number.

Method Two: myBU + Powercampus

Step 1:

If you do not have a student card or it is not readily accessible, you can log in through myBU and find it in Powercampus (where you register for classes and find tuition statements). Log into myBU from the Bishop's homepage. On the right, under "Campus Applications & Sites", select "Powercampus Self Service".

Step 2:

Along the top of the page are several tabs. Click on "My Profile".

Step 3:

On the "My Profile" tab, select "Account Information".

Step 4:

Your student ID number is listed as "System ID". Even though it is hyphenated it is the same 9 digits as those that would be on your Student ID.

Contact Us

The IT Helpdesk's business hours follow the Library Learning Commons' hours. Refer to the "Library's hours" page to see when we are open.